Coaching Actuaries

2022 SOA Changes

Below you'll find a quick message from Coach K as well as our recommendations followed by a detailed description of the expected changes for each exam or requirement. You can read the SOA's official ASA curriculum changes fact sheet, and get further clarification on their FAQ page.

Coach Dave's Message on the SOA Changes

Your Way Forward

CA Recommendations

FAM is offered three times a year in March, July, and November. You're not allowed to take FAM-S and FAM-L separately as a replacement for FAM.

You will have a choice between ALTAM or ASTAM. Click here for the latest ALTAM syllabus and here for the latest ASTAM syllabus.

SRM is not changing. You’re free to take SRM whenever works best for you.

You will need to take ATPA since you don't have IFM credit.

Since you've passed IFM, you won’t need to take ATPA.

FAM is offered three times a year in March, July, and November. You're not allowed to take FAM-S and FAM-L separately as a replacement for FAM.

You will have a choice between ALTAM or ASTAM. Click here for the latest ALTAM syllabus and here for the latest ASTAM syllabus.

SRM is not changing. You’re free to take SRM whenever works best for you.

FAM is offered three times a year in March, July, and November. You're not allowed to take FAM-S and FAM-L separately as a replacement for FAM.

You will have a choice between ALTAM or ASTAM. Click here for the latest ALTAM syllabus and here for the latest ASTAM syllabus.

You will need to take ATPA since you don't have IFM credit.

Since you've passed IFM, you won’t need to take ATPA.

Since you've passed STAM, you're eligible to take FAM-L, which is half the size of the full FAM exam. Be sure to pass FAM-L between October 2022 and July 2024 (six sittings). This will give you credit for the full FAM and ASTAM under the new system. Otherwise, you’ll need to take the full FAM after July 2024.

SRM is not changing. You’re free to take SRM whenever works best for you.

Since you've passed IFM, you won’t need to take ATPA.

Since you've passed LTAM, you're eligible to take FAM-S, which is half the size of the full FAM exam. Be sure to pass FAM-S between October 2022 and July 2024 (six sittings). This will give you credit for the full FAM and ALTAM under the new system. Otherwise, you’ll need to take the full FAM after July 2024.

SRM is not changing. You’re free to take SRM whenever works best for you.

The exam changes don’t affect you much. You’ll still need to take SRM and PA.

SRM is not changing. You’re free to take SRM whenever works best for you.

If you have passed IFM, you will be exempted from the new Data Concepts Online Course (OC) the CAS introduced as a replacement for 3F.

Exam Changes


Administration: 6 times a year (odd months)
Format: Multiple-choice, 3 hours, CBT

E-Learning Module Changes

New module.

New module.

Modules #1, #2, and #4 will be removed starting Jan 1, 2025, leaving behind 5 modules. The Final Assessment will remain.

Transition Rules

Exam and Modules


  • P, FM, SRM, and PA will provide credit for the same exams under the new curriculum.
  • IFM will effectively provide credit for ATPA. The SOA has indicated that the ASA designation can be earned by having credit for either IFM or ATPA.
  • LTAM will provide credit for FAM-L and ALTAM.
    Candidates must pass FAM-S by July 2024 or will need to take the full FAM to complete the FAM requirement
  • STAM will provide credit for FAM-S and ASTAM.
    Candidates must pass FAM-L by July 2024 or will need to take the full FAM to complete the FAM requirement


  • Through Dec 31, 2024, the Pre-Actuarial Foundations module will provide credit for FAP Module #1 and #2.
  • Through Dec 31, 2024, the Actuarial Science Foundations module will provide credit for FAP Module #4.


3 subsets of the ASA Designation

The SOA will be introducing 3 micro-credentials that are subsets of the ASA designation.

Candidates can earn the Pre-Actuarial Foundations and Actuarial Science Foundations micro-credentials starting January 2022, when the respective modules are released.

Pre-Actuarial Foundations

Exam P
Exam FM
VEE Economics
VEE Accounting/Finance
Pre-Actuarial Foundations module

Actuarial Science Foundations

Pre-Actuarial Foundations micro-credential
Exam FAM
Exam SRM
VEE Mathematical Statistics
Actuarial Science Foundations module

Data Science for Actuaries

Exam SRM
Exam PA