Exam 5 Course Features

Follow a proven pathway! Your Exam 5 learning experience is organized into two distinct phases: Learn and Practice. This comprehensive approach to Exam 5 splits your time between strengthening your understanding and building your confidence.

Study Effectively: Learn with the leading actuarial prep platform

To pass Exam 5, you need to master complex concepts. That's why we provide you with comprehensive, high-quality study materials. From video lessons and manuals to assignment questions, learn everything you need to know in a simplified, engaging way.

    • Intuitive Platform

      Stay organized and motivated with our user-friendly platform. Benefit from a personalized study plan and track your performance.

    • Integrated Scheduler

      Keep your studies on time with our scheduling tool. It works backward from your exam date to map out milestones and set section-specific deadlines.

    • Smoother Studying

      Enjoy a user interface that not only looks good but also puts everything you need within easy reach. We designed with you in mind.

Building Confidence: Practice till you're prepared

When you walk into the exam center, you should feel confident that you'll pass. Every feature of our Practice phase is aimed at exactly that goal, from objective metrics of your preparedness to mock exams and solutions for every question.

  • Your Exam Confidence Boosters

    • Self-Grading Tool

      Our innovative self-grading tool reduces the difficulty of measuring your performance without instructor guidance. Using a detailed rubric for easy self-assessment, we help you understand how well you performed!

    • Mastery Score™

      Assess your performance based on every practice problem you attempt. You also get personalized study suggestions from our coaches. Leading up to exam day, you'll work to get your Mastery Score as high as possible!

The learning material is great and the self quizzes always help.

Matthew Exam 5 Student

CA is the premier MAS-I exam prep service. Going from the preliminary exams to MAS-I can be overwhelming, but CA breaks down the material nicely, and the coaches are always quick to help when needed.

Noah Passed MAS-I with Coaching Actuaries

There For You: Direct access to expert coaches

Along the way, you might encounter challenges and need more in-depth explanations. Our discussion forums put you in direct contact with dedicated coaches. We're here to provide the extra support you need and guide you toward passing your exam.

  • Answers Keep You Moving

    Get personalized answers to questions where you need a little extra clarity or detail. You will receive in-depth responses from our coaches within 2 business days.

  • Built-In Motivation

    Receive encouragement from both our coaches and the community. Engage with fellow aspiring actuaries to deepen your understanding and boost your retention of key concepts.

  • Always Improving

    Hearing from you helps us ensure Coaching Actuaries is always focused on meeting your needs. Share your feedback about your journey, our content, and the platform.

A renewal policy for passing

The Pass Guarantee is either a one-time renewal (for 180-day access) or an annual renewal (for 360-day access) where you are given access to the study materials for that time period. Courses that are 120 days or less do not come with a one-time renewal.

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Your new credential is calling

Your subscription to Exam 5 materials will begin as soon as you purchase. Choose the package that works for you.

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